Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (But Will Be Tweeted)

I will admit to not following the recent events in Tunisia all that closely.  Frankly, I could not understand what was going on, who the principal actors were, or their motivations. Perhaps that is because the country's revolutionary spirit was so decentralized before being channeled suddenly through online social media in response to a single, and possibly apocryphal, catalyst

The Tunisian Revolution will no doubt be scrutinized by the Chinese Communist Party, and is likely all the assurance the Party needs to believe the continued blocking of Facebook, Twitter, and other high-profile and user-friendly social networking websites is a sound course of action. China is certainly not without its share of potential rallying cries, which have found currency despite all official attempts to squelch them.

I have just arrived in Beijing, so this is a fitting post given that Blogger.com is also blocked here. The only way I can update this blog is by email.

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