Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (But Will Be Tweeted)

I will admit to not following the recent events in Tunisia all that closely.  Frankly, I could not understand what was going on, who the principal actors were, or their motivations. Perhaps that is because the country's revolutionary spirit was so decentralized before being channeled suddenly through online social media in response to a single, and possibly apocryphal, catalyst

The Tunisian Revolution will no doubt be scrutinized by the Chinese Communist Party, and is likely all the assurance the Party needs to believe the continued blocking of Facebook, Twitter, and other high-profile and user-friendly social networking websites is a sound course of action. China is certainly not without its share of potential rallying cries, which have found currency despite all official attempts to squelch them.

I have just arrived in Beijing, so this is a fitting post given that Blogger.com is also blocked here. The only way I can update this blog is by email.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Third Time is the Charm

I am off for my third stint in China---in just a matter of hours from now. My first was as an English teacher at a university in Shenyang; the second was with the American Chamber of Commerce in Beijing, and the third is with a corporate advisory services firm specializing in investor relations communications (and also in Beijing). I will try to keep this blog going but expect future posts to be fewer and farther between.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Trash Talking

Doom-and-gloom predictions concerning the U.S. economy and the uncertain future of the United States as a hegemonic power abound--and the Chinese media are always quick to spotlight them.

In the wake of the Tucson shooting, however, I have not yet come across any Chinese editorials taking the sort of propagandistic cheap-shots that marked coverage of, for example, the Columbine tragedy (the U.S. equivalent is noisome enough). So far, coverage seems limited to basic reportage culled from wire services. If there has been a change in the party line regarding issues of gun violence, it may be because such events are no longer unheard of in China.